What is it HiTech Yoga?

I would like to introduce a new vision of Yoga teachings, the vision in High Tech words. I am using yoga term in full, not only physical exercises but whole world of connections between body and mind, between everyday life and subconscious.

As working long time in IT industry I see a lot of examples where technology get experience from everyday life. Patterns, approaches, behaviors that software developers\designers have borrowed from everlasting having being.

In Last two year I learned many interesting things in Yoga which helps me to manage and understand my life. And then I realized we can explain many of Yoga wisdom through new Hi-Tech terms. I think it would be funny and interesting especially for technician guys. Very often I heard from my co-workers - it is so boring to read all this ancient stuff with religious background about human being. So, I would like to share with you, my dear friends, Ancient Teachings within our New High Technology vision.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why do we need Yoga?

First of all I want to write about how I came up with Yoga trainings.
Everyone wants to have smooth, easygoing and happy life. And most common mistake among IT guys is a meaning that Technology makes this true. I was with the same idea long time. Yeah, from school to University, from University to my first work and later 6 years I had feeling that Technology would do it for me. I just need to have all these smart gadgets, tools, be upgraded with new ones and so on. But unfortunately it didn’t happen. A few years ago I asked myself what was wrong. Yes, I had huge amount of cool devices, was tuned up to last Microsoft updates but I wouldn’t say I was happy. Just average happiness as advertised on TV as American Dream. I got tired after work, I didn’t want to do much but just go home and finish day with staring to the TV Box. Every morning I got up with red eyes and thoughts – next hard day started. Again and again I must work for a rich guy and have depression if deadline is pushed forward because of some unpredictable bugs.
I was changing work, learning smart, convenient tools along with agile development, buying new laptops but the same hard working days start again and again.
What was that? Lack of energy, lack of time, lack of experience – yes it was all together in one time as I have realized now. So I was starting to look for a new style of living. And how it often in our lives happened I was invited to yoga class by my neighbor. I lived that time in Miami and one day there was started Yoga classes in our building gym. So from that point everything started in a new way...

Probably you start to think that everything is going to change when you become IT Manager or Architect or other promoted position in yours specialty’s hierarchy. But what about today, what about present moment, that you are living in? Don’t try to substitute your current life with your future, because this is just an illusion that can lead you to forever waiting for something better.  If your life now is just dreams for better future you will be living with these dreams FOREVER in everyday routine you are not excited with.  Growing up in your career is good but don’t put all your expectations only to this part of your life. Yes you get more money but also more spending and of course even more stress. Smart HR departments driven by rich people and global corporations want you to think life would be like sweet cake when you reach top in your career.  

But ask yourself why life cannot be the sweetest ever right now. Just stop to absorb illusions from outer world and try to figure out what is inside your world. Yoga is telling next – all you need is already with you and in you, just take it and use for your happiness.

If you are reading these lines you are probably feeling the same disturbances I had few years ago right now. I don’t want to say that my article or Yoga classes will change your life forever.  Stay tuned with my blog, sign in to Yoga classes, find people with positive lifestyle and probably you will start to feel some changes soon ;) . At least enjoy these readings. I will try to make it funny, easy and do not cut on informative part at the same time.

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