What is it HiTech Yoga?

I would like to introduce a new vision of Yoga teachings, the vision in High Tech words. I am using yoga term in full, not only physical exercises but whole world of connections between body and mind, between everyday life and subconscious.

As working long time in IT industry I see a lot of examples where technology get experience from everyday life. Patterns, approaches, behaviors that software developers\designers have borrowed from everlasting having being.

In Last two year I learned many interesting things in Yoga which helps me to manage and understand my life. And then I realized we can explain many of Yoga wisdom through new Hi-Tech terms. I think it would be funny and interesting especially for technician guys. Very often I heard from my co-workers - it is so boring to read all this ancient stuff with religious background about human being. So, I would like to share with you, my dear friends, Ancient Teachings within our New High Technology vision.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

System Requirements to be happy

I would like to describe general rules, requirements that will give you knowledge how to use your perfect body (by the way most perfect living creature on earth) in right way. Some parts will require extension to a standalone articles. So, please take my excuse if you would be filling as you starting to watch SERIES and first part is already finished but you realized it is only beginning...

So let’s start with our body or simply hardware

Look around your office, library, Starbucks, room where you are sitting now.  Just count how many people right now coughing, sneezing, have problems with weight, chronic illnesses etc.
Why we have these diseases, if we are most sophisticated creatures on earth at last stage of evolution?!  Is there some mistake on us? Just take a look at wild animals (domestic ones have the same illnesses as humans) how many birds coughing you saw in your life or how many lions, panthers, tigers you remember fat? (By the way have you noticed labels in zoo saying: "Do Not Feed animals they become sick from “human’s” food"? So, what does it mean "human’s" food if we are all coming from the same source?). On the other hand, we should be healthy with all Next Generation technologies in medicine we invented, smart AC systems, and humidifiers in the office, car, and even hi-tech fitness classes from time to time. 
Remember when you bought your last laptop or other smart device. What did you do first? Read manual! Yeah, probably you even read it before you were going to have it. You wanted to know what would be wrong, what you shouldn’t do with your new hardware and of course what were main advantages of that specific device. You probably even know what humidity is preferable for your IPhone or IPad. And you know what OS would suit best for your new precious for sure. Do you know all these details for you own body?! Do you know how much it is cost at least?
Don’t underestimate your price! Obviously you didn’t pay for your body, because you didn’t buy it, you just got it as a present and so, of course, you didn’t read any user manuals. – It is happened when you get free flash drive in the Wal-Mart or on next Microsoft conference. Just imagine you have been gotten your hardware for free but NOT because it is cheap, obsolete or guys from marketing department haven’t push it well on the market yet. You have been received very sophisticated and expensive device.
I would like to share with you Human Body price list.
Let me walk you through latest inventions we have now. So we can estimate price of our bodies.
I would like to warn you, for now medicine and bio – engineering have ONLY first generation (remember 16KB Video, x286 CPU, 8 MB RAM, 50MB HDD) devices in comparison when we have at least Pentium 10 (not sure about real parameters it would be). I was not able to find substitutes for each of body parts. So just calculate devices humans invented to substitute their natural ones. And multiply cost at minimum by 10 ;)

By the way we want to have the best "artificial" body, so I will count total based on maximum price on the market :)
11 - 17K x 2(items) = 34K

Basic implants are $1,250-$3,000 each : 32 x 3K = 96K 

Cost indication: $125K  (including training and adaptation 150K).

145K – wow so cheap for our favorite organ


Digestive system:
Prototype - $1.8 millions
You must think what you put there every day! No cheap device ;)

$1,000 for a 40-inch square piece of artificial skin;
3000 sq in(average amount of human skin) X $1000 = $3 millions

$200-1000 a gram X 5.6 liters : 5600 X 1000$ = 5millions 600K$
http://www.nih.gov/researchmatters/june2010/06282010liver.htm - price unknown, approx based on Kidney – 5 millions 600K per lifetime


Change cartridge every 8-12 hours, Weight: 4.5 kg Current cost 55-70K per year but unknown prototype price I linked above. So, 70000 x 2(items) x 80 (average human age) = 11 millions 200K

So, I think it is enough for most basic staff we need to estimate our price.
Yeah, just forget to mention – we don’t have any artificial brains right now (especially within size we can put it to our skull) which could have competition with our own…  So let’s say + 5 millions dollars for the main CPU ;)
TOTAL:  32 millions 574K * 10 (Next Generation Technologies correction) = $326 millions

WOW, you are multi-millionaire! Congratulations!
Don’t forget it is automatically coming with lifetime Antivirus updates and Hardware upgrades. So, no cost even for this, of course if you don’t break something that void your LIFETIME warranty ;) 

First Yoga Rule: Be grateful to your body.
What would you do next if you win such expensive Device? I think, first of all you would be going to read User Manual especially in part what is bad for it and what can harm it.

So User Manual of our body is out of scope this article. I will try to translate it from Sanskrit later and publish here than.
But, there are few very important guidelines in the manual that I can’t skip now. You know these ones regularly printed at the very beginning with bold big font:
-          DO NOT SMOKE (yeah, almost all know this is very bad for you most important hardware functions, especially multitasking)
-          DO NOT DRINK BEER or other alcoholic beverages (ok probably 70% of software developers left my blog forever, but if just one is still here, I’m really glad) This could cause kidneys cartridge changing every hour.  Just imagine what would be response of person who is on kidney dialysis if you invite him to drink bottle of beer.
-          DO NOT EAT HAMBURGERS, other fast-foods (yeah, probably my web-counter will not reach 100 never – most Microsoft guys now switched to their Outlook Task Planner.)

What about software requirements? (Brief description for now)
So, if you lack of energy, something definitely wrong with your hardware or software. So, substitute driving car to walking when you go to nearby store, eat more fruits, veggies, drink water instead of tea, coffee and chemical juices with nice artificial color and bla-bla-bla. You can find much about how to increase your body vitality and energizing in many good sources or just google it.
Second, not trivial reason, you have lack of energy because your software tuned wrong way. Just in few words how to tune it up.

Second Yoga Rule: Calmness Is Gold. Your thoughts are clouds you need to clear up to have open-minded thinking.
Let’s say you have preinstalled OS. Oh, do not be afraid it is not Windows Vista ;) All processes have each own isolated memory address scope – which is naturally. If your processes not isolated very well from each other and you have unpredictable fears and panic – things are going harder than.  But again, this is different story. 
Correct tasks' management is the most important thing we need to understand.  Just allow only one high priority process in your head at the time. Do not switch from one to another very often – you cause enormous energy waste for your brain when you do this.
So, let’s say one foreground process with high priority. You need to be here and now. Do not let your other processes to steal time from your foreground one. In this way you save a lot of time!  This is maximum performance you can achieve.
BUT don’t set highest priority to you present process. Don’t play with highest priority at all! Why? Because you don’t want to overheat your CPU (not many people can use other than main CPU. So, let's say we can use only it. ), you want to keep going your system processes smoothly and in time (there are processes which are monitoring your hardware healthy status – hungry, tired,eyes blinking. Just easiest verification, you are forget to blink when you are working in front of your monitor than you must make lower you foreground process priority).
Of course you know side effects of multithreading in software world. Yeah, there are the same weaknesses in our real life – deadlocks, race conditions, code complexity which lead to high number of run-time errors. Try to omit multithreading when it is possible :) And I would not advise to switch between two separate tasks very often as well.
So, it seems you need good Task Manager Tool. One from Sysinternals.com would suit very well. Eh… Try to have similar in your head ;)

Third Yoga Rule: Be here in the present moment – this is only moment you have to feel you are alive! Wake up from your dreams and memories.
Just want to make accent – we need to have one and only one foreground process with high priority EVERY time, and keep it running as long as it needs to be processed until some milestone or until is finished Try to remember this main rule. – If you are walking on the street you are just walking person – not Software developer, not driver of your new car. You are not your memory, not your dreams; you are not your plans for tomorrow. Just walk and look around you. This is your high priority task – keep it while you are walking! And in this way you save energy, you make this task processed in full and you will be satisfied with its quality.

Fourth main Rule: You are the part of eternity, or even the whole universe. Just don’t spread out on such tiny problems you have in your everyday life, ANY such problem don’t worth even minimal disturbance caused to Universe!
You are not foreground process, not monitoring tool, not hardware. You are whole system. So if you have troubles with some processes just remember – it is not your troubles it is troubles of only that particular process.  Other words nothing to worry if one of your foreground process get signal about unexpected termination – you are fired from your current work. So, just switch to the Walker process and you will be so far from that past events which are happened with different terminated process. Let's take example from PC world. For your laptop it doesn't matter if your game process is terminated because you loose the play. Neither if MS Word is crashed. Even if Windows is crashed it doesn't mean something serious happened with your hardware. In most scenarios you need just reinstall Windows ;) So try to keep this decoupling samples in real life situations.
Ok, my friends these are general rules we need to follow to feel a little bit relaxed, energized in our day –to – day life.
 How to pick priority tasks, how to recognize your own goals, priorities. How to pick only what is good for you, not for someone from TV commercial or mainstream lifestyle. What better to eat and drink? I think my next articles would be about this. 


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